Friday, March 6, 2015

Leadership Meeting 03/05/2015

Region IX Education Cooperative Leadership Team Meeting

Date: 3/5/15
Start Time: 8:15 am    End Time:  10:00 am
Likis, Mary, Bryan, Dahn, Carmen, Gina, Fred, Melina
Mission Statement:
1. Communication
2. Interdependency
3. Leadership development
4. Support across programs
5. Decision making
6. Direction
7. Vision
1. Effective communication to staff of our agency’s policies,  procedures and programs.
2. Provide timely and useful information regarding budget.
3. Build our capacity as leaders.
1. By employee feedback and satisfaction. (quarterly review). We will create a staff folder in google docs and drop the information we want to disseminate in. Staff will be able to make comments.
2. Quarterly review.
3. Report outs each month. Documentation of leadership participation.
1. Be respectful and listen to others.
2. Arrive and end on time.
3. Set aside bias to see the bigger picture.
4. Be supportive of the final decision.
5. Be prepared, organized and kind.
6. Minimize multitasking. Be Present.

Setting Organizational Goals 2016
  1. Communication
    1. Steps to implement
      1. Executive director will institute a monthly newsletter
        1. HR will provide a picture / bio of new hires to Exec. Dir. for newsletter.
      2. Implement a mid year new staff orientation
      3. Blog will continue, be added as a link on the staff resource page - web site & promoted during staff meetings & tech bits.
  2. Create a three year sustainability plan
    1. Suggestions include determining revenue from events. Creating a minimum of $2,000,000 in operational.
    2. First steps look at trend data, budget, and revenue streams.
    3. Investigate with Steve Aguirre who is looking at implementing PARCC support through an REC consortia.
    4. $500,000 available from Legislature. RECA applying as a group and not competing. (No longer on the table it has been taken out of the budget.)
    5. Marketing- Market Region IX at the PED, CYFD, and DOH. Mary suggest marketing at coalition in July.
    6. Consideration of availability of staff for events and floating a budget for IGAs that are not signed or committed.
    7. CES received money to provide state-wide PD. Mary discussing partnering with CES to deliver some of the training.  Money is shifted and off the table
    8. Seek input from Coordinating Council on sustainability and what we can offer state-wide.
3.Plan on meeting in July for leadership retreat to determine and finalize goals for 2015-16 with new executive director.  Turn into SMART goals.
4.    Evaluation forms need to be reviewed. Review the top portion that applies to all employees. Gina suggested looking at a new format.

Gina propose that we put together a committee to look at marketing for R9 Innovations. (Gina, Melina, Fred, Dahn, Carmen, Bryan, possibly Kim, April, Likis.) Send an invite.
Review evaluation forms
Evaluation forms need to be reviewed. Review the top portion that applies to all employees. Gina suggested looking at a new format. Evaluations are coming up too soon to make any changes for this year. Evaluations need to be done by April 30th by all program managers.
Coordinating Council approval will be in May.
Budget Preparation and presentation
School based health will have a more in-depth presentation. Committee will be looking at additional questions for Dahn and Bryan. Meeting will be following the CC meeting in March on the 18th 2015.
Interview Committee for Ex. Dir.
Various recommendations were made by the team. A ballot system was determined. Each leadership individual chose three names. Gina abstained from being on the interview committee. Brenda was absent from the vote.
The final decision based off of vote by the committee is Dahn, Carmen, Fred, and Bryan will be the alternate in the event that one of the members cannot be on the committee.
Daniel’s fund would be a source of providing food and shelter.
High Mountain Youth project planning grant as the grant manager to support the homeless youth. Region IX would be the fiscal agent and find staff to do the work on the grant. Region IX would work with Ready by 21 then High Mountain Youth Project. Next step would be to go back to the High Mountain Youth Project.
Grants on school based health clinics. Mary reported that she has looked into grants and not found one suitable for the SBHC.
Technology Support Opportunity
John Hemphill called Bryan, not happy with the technology support at Workforce Solutions One Stops. Use ITV and computers in the offices. Interested in using the technology department at Region IX. This would be at all the One Stop locations. Possibility of hiring an individual that would cover the One Stops and possibly provide support at Region IX.
Travel Requests
Need to be ready by the April 15th CC meeting. Need to be on the agenda by April 10th.
Policy Manual
Comments by Fred, Carmen, and Dahn. The policy regarding exempt and non-exempt employees needs to be reviewed. Date for review committee is March 16th at 10:30.
Heads Up - Celebrations -
Info for whole organization
Please type your department comments below:
Education Services:
Related services requests still pending from Carrizozo, Capitan, Hondo, and Ruidoso. Planning on posting any RFPs and positions in March.
Working on a survey to send to district administrators for planning next year’s technical assistance and professional development.
Kuder implementation has gone very well. Want to give a Kuder Kudos to Billy Page, Ellen Virden, Kim King, Gloria Pafford, Gina Corliss, and Bryan Dooley for all their help. We assessed over 600 students in 4 weeks!
Mentorship training is over for the year. The districts began the school year with 11 new teachers this school year and the school year will end with 7 teachers completing the program.
Developmental Services:
Consistent ongoing referrals to Dev. Services
Staff scheduling Child Find Screening Clinics in Lincoln County
Staff involved with required professional development/training
Transition C to B, staff diligently working to meet all timelines for children and families
Likis meeting with districts regarding MOU process, C to B
Budget management on track for 2015-16
Technology Services:
  • PARCC Testing - amazingly smooth - thanks to all ALL the staff at region IX whose hard work helped our districts prepare students over the last 2.5 years starting with the deployment of the Region IX. Day at the PARCC.  Thanks to our participating member districts and their staffs for allowing us to help prepare our students to be successful on this electronic test.

  • Tech bits today at 11:00 am - come join us to learn about and explore Google sheets the "excel" of Google docs - navigation and basic formulas. Google forms introduction and continued Google classroom.  
Head Start
  • Working on implementing EHS
  • EHS Manager position open
  • Family Engagement Activities - Health Day - March  20
  • Calla on board for Ed Coordinator II
  • Good PD for CC and Fiscal
Human Resources:

Policy Manual meeting March 16, 2015 @ 10:30am
Event Facilitation:

School Based Health Services:
-SOS in Middle school TBA
-COS parenting cohort 3 start up April 23rd taking registration until class fills with 10 participants.
- BCBS partnership-April 20-22 for sports physicals.
 -Head 2 Toe training for all SBHC staff 15-16  
 - SBHC # for Jan-Feb BH 188; PH 130


Hired QA Technician - Jeanette Lindsey
New Employee - Christine Gramer
PO Cutoff Date - April 30
Fiscal Tips - 9:00 am Friday 3/6
PLC Topic: Leadership Training

Topics and actions for next meeting:

Next Meeting    
Date:  March  5, 2015
Time:   8:15 – 10:00
Present at Meeting-
Facilitator: Gina
Time Keeper: Carmen
Scribe: Dahn
Blogger:  Bryan thursday at 3:30pm